
The greatest invention of all time? It’s not the wheel, it’s the bag. Even in this digital age of innovation the best way of transporting items personally is the bag. We have an excellent selection of bags here at Surfsnow so whether you’re heading up the peak, to the skate park or to the office we’ve got you covered. We have everything from backpacks to laptop bags from brands such as Roxy, Santa Cruz, Globe, Quicksilver and Animal. Need something to put in your new bag? Check out our Accessories or Snow and Skate equipment pages. Know what you’re looking for? Refine your search using the menu on the left of the page. Just browsing? Try using the ‘sort by’ menu at the top of the page.

Banned Carla Bag

Banned Carla Bag


NOW £25.99

Banned Cat Bag

Banned Cat Bag


NOW £21.99

Banned Bats Handbag

Banned Bats Handbag


NOW £25.99

Banned New Romantics Handbag

Banned New Romantics Handbag


NOW £29.99

Banned Leila Handbag

Banned Leila Handbag


NOW £22.99

Banned Reinvention Bag

Banned Reinvention Bag


NOW £23.99

Banned Handcuff Handbag

Banned Handcuff Handbag


NOW £30.99

Lost Queen Annabel Lee Bag

Lost Queen Annabel Lee Bag


NOW £31.99

Lost Queen Bat Wing Handbag

Lost Queen Bat Wing Handbag


NOW £34.99

Banned Androgyny Backpack

Banned Androgyny Backpack


NOW £35.99

Banned Dixie Bag

Banned Dixie Bag


NOW £26.99

Banned Lizzie Clutch Bag

Banned Lizzie Clutch Bag


NOW £13.99

Banned Heart Of Gold Handbag

Banned Heart Of Gold Handbag


NOW £25.99

Banned Stand Still Bag

Banned Stand Still Bag


NOW £29.99

Banned Stevie Handbag

Banned Stevie Handbag


NOW £25.99

Banned Time Travel Handbag

Banned Time Travel Handbag


NOW £21.99

Banned Model Face Backpack

Banned Model Face Backpack


NOW £20.99

Banned Tricks Backpack

Banned Tricks Backpack


NOW £34.95

Banned Cohen Bag

Banned Cohen Bag


NOW £31.99

Banned Nemesis Bag

Banned Nemesis Bag


NOW £27.95

Banned Dia Muertos Bag

Banned Dia Muertos Bag


NOW £34.95

Banned Anubis Handbag

Banned Anubis Handbag


NOW £27.95

Banned Yamy Backpack

Banned Yamy Backpack


NOW £28.99

Banned Ermira Handbag

Banned Ermira Handbag


NOW £33.99

Banned Tartan Messenger Bag

Banned Tartan Messenger Bag


NOW £20.99
